No. 4: it’s been a while

I’m currently watching The Office for the billionth time. It’s Michael’s goodbye episode and it’s kind of resonating well with me cause I’m leaving for college in a month. I feel a little emotional, but not really. I don’t think I’ll miss home very much. I’ll just be four hours away. I met my roommates and they’re all super nice! There are five of them cause we’ve got a suite. Technically, I’ll have one roommate and share a living space with four others. We’re gonna have an awesome tv! It’ll be a screen and projector! It’s gonna be really fun!

No. 3: Monday, December 4, 2017, 10:09 pm

I definitely have dry socket and I can’t do anything about it because my mom will have to take me and I know she’s really busy and this is a hectic week but if I really have dry socket I need medical aide as soon as possible. I don’t know what could happen if I don’t receive treatment but it feels like someone wired my jaw shut and there’s so much pressure in it that I can’t open it without it aching. I’ve been at a constant 7/10 for pain for a solid 6 hours now and no pain meds are working. I just took one hydro, waited and hour, and when nothing worked I took an 800 mg Ibuprofen. When that didn’t work after ANOTHER hour I took another hydro. Since then, it’s gotten a little better but not by much and I’ve got constant tension in my jaw and a pain in my ear.

I’ve been sleeping on the couch because it’s harder that my bed and I could use the pressure on my back. The only problem with that is that my dad is an INSUFFERABLE INSOMNIAC THAT WON’T GO TO HIS OFFICE TO WATCH TV. I get it, I’m the one in the living room but I’m also the one trying to sleep and you can finish your beer in the other room.

No. 2: Monday, December 4, 2017, 2:49 pm

My mouth still hurts like a bitch and I couldn’t handle being at school without a hydro so I came home after my dual credit classes.

The only reason I come to school anymore, other than attendance requirements, is to hang out with my friends. Otherwise, I could do everything online. I set an alarm for 6:30 am every morning just to sleep in until 7:20 (ten minutes before I leave the house), then I spend the first two hours of my day sitting at the front of the two easiest college courses ever offered. Even though I love my teachers in both of these classes, I could finish the work from both of them in a minimum of ten minutes. The only real effort I’ve needed to give for them were two research papers. The first, for my College American Government class, was a 5-7 page research paper on a subject of my choice (why we should provide better education for dementia caregivers) and the second, for my College Writing class, a minimum of six paragraphs argumentative paper (minimum of nine paragraphs if I wanted an A) on another subject of my choice (should demented patients have the right to refuse treatment?). If I’m being totally honest, I recycled most of the work into each paper. I was given 3-4 weeks of in-class work time for each essay and it was a waste of time. I finished each of these papers with two weeks left and used the remaining time to reread the Harry Potter series.

After the first two hours of my school day, I have an hour long study hall. My teacher in study hall is definitely one of my favorites. He’s super nice and constantly picks on the guys who either didn’t want to take another extra curricular or they’re too stupid to. Then, if it isn’t a Wednesday, I have orchestra. I’m in the Phil Harmonic and I have been for the last three years. It’s an eventful class only because I have a bunch of friends in there and my teacher is a magnet for misfortune. If it is a Wednesday, I get lunch before Phil, but on any other day I’ve got it after. I eat lunch with some of my friends in the classroom of one of the worst teachers to walk this earth. She literally teaches backwards and justifies it with “studies” from the early 2000’s.

My last class of the day is German. I took it for freshman and sophomore years, then I got bored and dropped it last year. I, of course, regretted it almost instantly, aber meine Lehrerin ist so nett. She let into her AP German class as a German 3 independent study. I don’t have a sixth period because I took early morning classes three years in a row and they didn’t want me wasting my time in two study halls. Now I just go home and waste my time by watching Netflix and free online episodes of Rick and Morty.

Today, though, I didn’t do half of that. I came home after three hours of school and wrapped Christmas presents early.

I wish I had more to say, but whoever might read this definitely would wish that I didn’t.

Beginning: Sunday, December 3, 2017, 11:39 pm

Hi my name is Quiggins. Obviously, it’s just a username and I’ll definitely be using it for the remainder of my time on this blog. I’m starting this blog because I’m devastatingly bored with my life right now and I’ve got so many ideas and plans running around my head that I have no idea what to do with myself until I’ve achieved them. Even then, I have no idea what I’ll do to pass the time when, or if, I achieve these dreams. Until I am happy with where I am and what I’ve done with my life, I’m just gonna spend some time sharing it with everyone or no one.

As a senior in high school I feel like I’ve accomplished a lot and I’m very proud of myself. Over the last summer, I took a CNA class and I’m a state certified CNA at only 17 years old. I work in an assisted living facility and although, at times, it can be the most frustrating job and the most demanding, I love it and I can’t imagine myself in any other position.

This year I really relaxed my class schedule so I’m only in four classes (two of them being orchestra and German). All my friends are such hardworking, determined people that they make me feel like a piece of shit half the time, but they’ve all taken on such demanding course loads that I pity them.

I’m really just rambling at this point and idk if I’m even gonna go back and read through it. Over the past three years I surrounded myself with shitty people and indulged myself in their shitty problems and at the end of my junior year I decided just to drop them and pick up where I felt most valued. I followed through and I’m really proud of myself. I made friends with people I already got along with and now they’ve kind of adopted me into their group and I’ve never had more fun with a group of people than with these guys. There’s no drugs, no sex, and not too much drama. Even then, with the drama, I know exactly where they all stand and it’s worked out in conversation, not anon posting on Tumblr.

I just got my wisdom teeth out on December 1 and it’s been a pretty good weekend, considering. All four of them were removed, all four of them were impacted, and all four of them hurt like a bitch. I woke up while they were pulling the last one and I definitely remember feeling a pain, but it was kind of like how women describe giving birth with an epidural. An intense pressure when there should have been pain. The hydrocodone makes me itchy so I’m taking benedril, which makes me sleepy, and I’m eating peanut butter chocolate ice cream, which makes me hurt. So I’m in a weird mess of Christmas movies and sleep and pain and numbness. I’ve got my mom here though so I’m doing ok.

My life goal is to become a Nurse Practitioner and to someday open my own assisted living facility. I’ve recently been accepted into my #1 college and have gotten my first three months of my job down the hatch.

I don’t want this to come off as gloaty or douchey but I don’t really care if it does either. Im not always happy with myself. In fact I feel overweight most of the time and I’m working really hard this year on losing weight and keeping it off. However, right now I’m proud of what I’m doing and what I’m going to do. I’ll see when the next time is that I can update. Until then I’m just wrapping presents and watching tv.